
Kneeling and free speech
We kneel to pray, we kneel to protest, and now kneeling is an act of murder and oppression against people of color.

Suicide and fear
I see a lot of sadness, bewilderment and inspirational hashtags floating around social media after the tragic suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade.

Social work’s struggle with the uncomfortable
As social workers, we are charged with comforting the disturbed and disturbing the comfortable.

What we can learn about personal branding from Donald Trump
While shopping with my daughter to find the perfect Homecoming dress this fall I stumbled upon a cute black outfit on the rack at Lord & Taylor.

Google can guide your marketing
If you work for a small business or non-profit organization most likely you don’t have a big marketing budget or SEO and inbound experts on staff like at a multi-million tech start-up.

What New York City helped me value
When Ted Cruz insinuated Donald Trump embodied “New York values,” we all know he meant to make this sound sinister and played upon people’s negative impressions of New Yorkers.

Prep your brand now for graduation
As you recover from your holiday break, you may be thinking spring can’t come soon enough.

You’re more than your job: A holistic approach to personal branding
You might not have known that prominent social worker and U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski was also a novelist who penned two murder mysteries, Capitol Offense and Capitol Venture, in the mid-1990s.

Anatomy of an elevator pitch
From that first “hello” - not the song by Adele, but when you meet someone at a social work conference - it’s the opening that can take your career or services you provide to a new level.