On the radio
In June I was interviewed by a Dublin, Ireland radio station, Phantom 105.2, after the publication of my article in The Daily Beast about Deep Throat's 40th anniversary.
A pornographer’s daughter salutes her dad’s wisdom on Father’s Day
On a day when everyone is honoring the uniqueness of their fathers, I realize my dad is just like any other dad with one exception—he’s a pornographer.
Porn stars Stormy Daniels, Joanna Angel, more on ‘Deep Throat’
The biggest female stars in pornography have blazed a path since the 1970s, all thanks to the doors opened by the legendary adult movie Deep Throat.
On the porn film’s 40th anniversary, a thank you to ‘Deep Throat’
It was more than 15 years ago but I still remember feeling the heat of the asphalt under my sandals as I walked across the parking lot to my father’s Florida porn shop, The Premier.
Luke is Back interview
Are religious conservatives with their views on porn and sex in a minority or are their views shared by many Americans?
Rick Santorum’s War on Pornography stirs up the same tired arguments
Rick Santorum’s crusade to save America from the pandemic of pornography may seem like an out-of-the-blue call to action against smut—the kind of campaign rhetoric that supplies comedians and late-night talk-show hosts with good material—but for the last 40 years my family has lived this culture war.
Retro birth control debate
All this retro 70s style debate about access to birth control is like stepping back in time.
I hate Valentine’s Day or maybe not
My daughter made homemade Valentine’s Day cards for every single one of her 4th grade classmates.
Political forgiveness
A day before the voting begins in the Republican primary in my home state of Florida, I couldn’t help but think of the axiom, “to err is human, to forgive divine.”
Pleasure principle
As a teenager, “the pleasure principle” to me was a Janet Jackson song and I didn’t realize it also defined our drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain.